# Avatar, la leggenda di Aang & Korra - The last Airbender || GdR/GdN, news e discussioni #

Votes taken by OlîverLüna

  1. .
    <3 <3 <3 <3
    ma grazie!! ottima scelta la location, con questo caldo poi!

    Per ovviare, qualcosa di fresco ...

    e qualcosa di gustoso direttamente dal mio panificio di fiducia

  2. .
    direi la seconda!
    anche se ... a pensarci bene ho fatto la trapezista in senso figurativo, tra lavoro e lavoro!
  3. .
    CITAZIONE (@Les @ 22/6/2022, 11:34) 
    CITAZIONE (OlîverLüna @ 22/6/2022, 11:13) 
    che bella questa nuova versione!!
    il mio oroscopo la dice lunga...è stato davvero azzeccato!

    Che segno sei, tu? :=/: En è Tui e La, io KomodoRhino...

    this one :shifty:
  4. .
    che bella questa nuova versione!!
    il mio oroscopo la dice lunga...è stato davvero azzeccato!
  5. .
    a me sembra più di uno spinoff che una quarta stagione vera e propria...a maggior ragione del sottotitolo "mistery of Aaravos"
  6. .
    Ciao nuovo nomade!! (cose che non ti aspetti di dire, insomma... GRAZIE NDF!)
  7. .
    eh ma in quel caso non si avrebbero gli stessi risultati! Sarebbe comunque falsato... >.<
  8. .
    Facciamo sfida a chi ci riesce?

    Follia pura! Capito che dovremmo dedicarci solo a fare questo tipo di attività?? cioè sarebbe fighissimo...ma forse aspetto il prossimo lockdown per farlo davvero! XD
  9. .
    Bhe..da dire che il tipo del video non partiva proprio dallo stesso livello di Iroh...cioè secondo me parte troppo avvantaggiato! Mi pare proprio un bell'imbroglio!! :asd:
  10. .
    Ci provo anche io! Sperando di fare più punti di Endriù!! :asd:

    1) a-w; b-z; c-y; d-k;
    2)concordo che sia dall'episodio della trivella, che se non sbaglio è quello della seconda stagione "Il guru"
    3) c
    4) c
    5) a-z; b-w, c-k; d-y,
    6) momento di panico, ma credo sia da qualche episodio della terza stagione.... =/
    7) qui sono andata per esclusione, e dico b
    8) c
    9) questa non saprei proprio dove andarla a pescare! XD
    10) se ricordo bene è tratto da La fuggitiva, ep 3x07
    11) la dice Zuko alla fanciulla del regno della terra...

    Davvero complimenti per la pazienza e per l'idea!! Mi sono divertita a rispondere!
  11. .


    YEAR 22, MONTH 3, DAY 6, POST 26time: ???

    • dialogues: #C3C300
    • age: 12
    • exp: 1600(5r20)
    • gold: 10 RdT DEPOSITATO: 990 RdT conto
    • wears: pantaloni larghi alle ginocchia di colore giallo chiaro, maglia a mezze maniche giallo canarino, sandali in cuoio
    • stats:
    EV: 600, ABILITA': nessuna, ARMATURA: nessuna, ARMI: nessuna
    Atk: 550 Def: 550 Vel: 300

    The only thing Raya was thinking about was how to hold properly on the spirit's back, even if, it looked more calm going away from the rest of the group. She took some minutes to totally understand what just happened to her eyes. She tried to observe the world from that high, looking also for her friends on the ground, but the trees were almost everywhere and she could not point correctly where she was, she couldn't recognize also the river, maybe covered by the branches and maybe too much grey as the dusty ground all around.
    Raya screamed, at least in her mind that was the intention, and the only sound was a flebile exhalation, that only Naitee heard, stirring a bit its head.

    On the ground, Rainu was about to explode, he didn't appreciate at all the Avatar's help, making so much mess in short time, he was really angry and fourious. Moreover he had to think how to get back the small princess before it was too late, the problem was that he could not fly nor run that fast: in the sky the giant bird was less visible minute by minute. He just walked following it, caring about no one else. His feet moved faster and fasterm with his eyes always pointed to the sky.
  12. .


    YEAR 22, MONTH 3, DAY 6, POST 24time: ???

    • dialogues: #C3C300
    • age: 12
    • exp: 1530(5r20)
    • gold: 10 RdT DEPOSITATO: 990 RdT conto
    • wears: pantaloni larghi alle ginocchia di colore giallo chiaro, maglia a mezze maniche giallo canarino, sandali in cuoio
    • stats:
    EV: 600, ABILITA': nessuna, ARMATURA: nessuna, ARMI: nessuna
    Atk: 550 Def: 550 Vel: 300

    Raya could not believe her eyes: a giant bird was just near her, at the command of the Avatar himself, ready to bring her in a safer place. The little girl was excited and really relief for that magnificent ride waiting for all of them. With the help of ShoSho succeded to sit on Naitee back, and immediately she started to cuddle the spirit, really impressed by the glowing feathers it has, so soft under her hands.
    Rainu, on the other side, was more suspicious about the big spirit, and Naitee seemed to agree: there was no connection between them, both were mistrustful of each other, and it was painted on Rainu's face that he would like to walk that sit on Naitee's back.
    Zuri captured the attention saying that she was going differently to the Fire Nation, so Raya felt really sad about, she really wanted to spend more time with her new friend and with a tiny voice said "Are you sure? I think that this spirit is big enough for all of us! And it flies, are you really going to miss this magnificent opportunity? I believe that the Spirit World will be such amazing from above!"
  13. .
    Oh MAMMA che bella presentazione! Come non se ne vedevano da parecchio!!
    Prima di tutto, benvenuto tra noi! Seconda cosa, complimenti per esserti unito al Regno! :wub:
    Terzo, ottima analisi davvero sia per le singole serie che nel confronto! Devo dire che è sempre bello poterne leggere con tanta accuratezza!

    Ma che sbadata, mi presento solo ora..sono Lilù :ok: e ho rivisto AtLA solo 2 volte -più innumerevoli volte specifici episodi e spezzoni!- e una sola volta LOK (anche se volevo farne un bel rewatch...così ora spero che lo rendano disponibile anche su Netflix Italia :shifty:)
  14. .
    CITAZIONE (@Les @ 24/7/2020, 14:00) 
    beh, nell'asfalto ci sono pietre sminuzzate, non serve mica utilizzare pura pietra. :huh:

    tecnicamente si eserciterebbe più facilmente il dominio del metallo! o addirittura si potrebbe pensare di creare una ulteriore classe di dominatori dell'asfalto XD
    Anche se io preferisco un ritorno alle origini, con strade in terra battuta o lastricate di simpatici sanpietrini! :P
  15. .


    YEAR 22, MONTH 3, DAY 6, POST 22time: ???

    • dialogues: #C3C300
    • age: 12
    • exp: 1490(5r20)
    • gold: 10 RdT DEPOSITATO: 990 RdT conto
    • wears: pantaloni larghi alle ginocchia di colore giallo chiaro, maglia a mezze maniche giallo canarino, sandali in cuoio
    • stats:
    EV: 600, ABILITA': nessuna, ARMATURA: nessuna, ARMI: nessuna
    Atk: 550 Def: 550 Vel: 300

    To those words Rainu winced: of all the people walking into the spirit world, he had to handle with the Avatar himself, who was disappeared for long time. After that little moment in lack of selfcontrol, again he smailed to the young boy "I am really impressed to meet you here, Avatar Sho-Sho." adding a bow. Raya, that was always near her master, did the same, undestanding the meaning of the words said. "Hello to you, Avatar Sho-Sho, I am Raya and I am really happy that you are here! I think I relly need your help. I am here in the Spirit World and now it is like I am going to spend the rest of my life in it..."
    Raya talked without thinking, it was like she just wanted to break free of her toughts and her fears. Her voice was trembling, her eyes were more grey than usual, loosing their lights of life.
    Rainu was focused on the others, with heavy eyes on what they were doing, even if it looked like neither Zuri neither Sho-Sho were taliking or doing anything. The situation was just locked in that timeless space, like the storm near the horizon, or the trees all around: only the river was floating like nothing was going on.
653 replies since 11/4/2012