[ENG] Midnight run

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  1. Silian
        +1   -1

    User deleted

    Ho dato ad Antk una settimana per rimettersi in forze

    ANNO 18, MESE 3, GIORNO 14, POST 78, night
    "Il bacio colpisce come la folgore, l'amore passa come un temporale"
    [48.505 Antkantos (darkred): n° exp (30r100x2)] [DENARO: 361 NdF DEPOSITATO: conto, ABBIGLIAMENTO: brown leather boots, coat and gloves with fur inside, woolen grey sweather and scarf, short hair] [EV: 1000, ABILITA': Dominio elettrico, ARMATURA: //, ARMI: sciabole gemelle(off), kukri(off)]

    Stats PG:

    Atk= 1500
    Def= 1200
    Vel= 300

    Mosse caratteristiche-di scuola: Colonna di fuoco; Fuoco del giudizio; Scoppio; Elettrizzazione; Fulmine Globulare; Barriera Elettrostatica; Controllo del calore; Anello di fuoco; Bloccare le fiamme; Scudo di Fuoco; Propulsione; Fruste elettriche

    He took a week to think about it, a week to recover and to strenghten himself. A week to study his host's habits. He never refused a meal again, after that night some days before: weakening himself would have been really stupid. He knew that the woman went to sleep early in the night, he had to wait just a few hours to be sure she was in a deep slumber. No worries about the kids, they usually sleep harder than a stone. He just felt sorry for the girl: she had been always gentle with him, and she looked really lonely... but bringing her away from that terrible woman would just make her be out of herself. He still believed she would let him go, if he was fast enough: she clearly didn't want other people to see her, nor to leave her kids alone while chasing him. He hated him, after all.

    The day before he used a rabbit's fat to oil the hinges of his room's door: the silence factor was too important, more important than some extra energies from his lunch. And now the time had come: he sneaked out of his room with bare feet: he would wear his boots when he got out of that hut. His naked fingers felt clearly the stonen surface of the dining room: it was cold and a bit dusty, but he didn't make more noise than a spidermouse. He was at the front door after a time that seemed never ending: he saw some fat on its bolt a few days ago, so he had not to spoil another meal for it... but he still had to be extremely careful. He employed at least two minutes to slide the door open, and as he did it he felt the cold mountain air blowing on his face. It was damn cold. He tightened his teeth and called some heath from his Firebending, closing carefully the door behind him. He wore his boots and fastened himself in his heavy clothes, than sighed silently.

    He realised that his heart beated fast as he just had a training session. Wow. He was really doing it. Well, it was not the best idea ever: his legs still weren't worth of his trust, and he had no food with him. He obviously had a plan: he would follow the stream. All the streams bring to a river, and rivers bring to sea: soon or later he would meet a town or a bigger city, and he would have always water and fish -well, he had to train a little bit to catch something with his fireballs, but he felt optimistic about it. He sighed again, more relaxed: he felt like he was just beginning another adventure. And he liked that feeling. Now, he had to be silent like a shadow...

    He chose an alternative path around the house, or he would be forced to walk under Anthea's windows. It was a new moon night, and only little stars shined in the dark sky -not enough for a midnight walk: he had to use another fireball to see where to pose his feet. He walked on the right side of the habitation, passing in front of a strange wooden gate: it looked like a stable's door. Did Anthea have animals there? Matt frowned, gancing at the dark hollow between the gate and the roof.

    Until two reddish eyes filled that hollow.

    Something really big banged his body against the gate, hissing and snarling like a giant snake and scratching his big claws against the wood. Matt jolted, frightened, slipped on the ice and fell on his butt while a distant voice in his brain told him: Mongoose dragon... "Oh... s**t" he groaned in a low voice, than he did the last thing left: stand up and run as fast as he could.

    He lit up a small fireball and let it run over the ground before him, just to be able to see where to go: his heart was banging in his ears, and he hardly realised he reached the stream: he mechanically followed his little fire slipping, stumbling on snow and branches, sometomes falling but never stopping his race. He could clearly hear the beast howling and making as much noise as it could, and he silently cursed it about a hundred times: that lizard... it was really the right pet for a woman of that kind!
  2.     +1   -1


    dalla terra delle Melinda


    YEAR 18, MONTH 3, DAY 14, post 19 ~ evening

    ~ dialogues: #FF007F
    ~ exp: 197.150 (15r100)
    ~ gold: 1500 mo (jewelry) + 3700 gld FN +
    ~ wears: old green tunic, brown leather coat and boots, hair tied up in a ponytail
    ~ armor: D1 (off)
    ~ weapons: pugnale (on)
    ~ ability: fiamme blu, controllo dell'attacco B
    ~ moves: scudo di fuoco, attacco combinato, schivata veloce, pioggia di fuoco, bastione di fuoco, scatto, inversione di potenza, resistenza, colonna di fuoco, rigenerazione, attacco a sorpresa.
    ~ stats:
    Atk D. 1.800+50% (fiamme blu) = 2.700
    Def D. 2.001+1/10 (armatura) = 2.201
    Atk 549
    Def 400+1/10 (armatura) = 440
    Vel 390
    EV 1.550/1.550

    "It wasn't him, was he?" asked Ilah. Iris couldn't help but giving her an inquiring look. "I know the truth, mom. It wasn't dad who betrayed us. It was you: you took us away from home, you let grandfather destroy the empire and the Avatar take over the world! You scared away dad, I't your fault if he's dead!" screamed a twenty year old Ilah, dressed in her formal robes, with the Fire Lord's crown shining in the sunlight. "You! Ungrateful child! I've sacrificed my life to protect you all!" screamed an angered Iris, wearing nothing but rags, she'd have challenged that spoiled brat, but she couldn't feel the sun, there was something off, she was tired, she couldn't move! The older Ilah didn't seem to notice her retort: "... therefore, I, FireLord Ilah, hereby sentence you to death" announced the woman and suddenly the crowd around them started cheering and screaming and... again. Something was off. Their cries didn't sound human, it was more like...

    Iris woke up, the moonlight filtered through the closed window quite enough to see Ilah resting next to her. Iris sighed, relieved: she was still a child... but those beastly cries didn't stop... Qiang! Iris suddenly realized. She jumped up, trying not to wake up the children and she went to the window. Everything seemed calm outside. What could get that mongoose dragon so angry? She glanced around, unwilling to let Ilah and Sozin all alone. Maybe she could ask Antk to go check, he owed them that and even more! But when she went out she found his room's door open: her eyes narrowed, her fists clenched... he did it again! She wasn't thinking anymore when she went outside, nor when she reached the stable, opening the door that was keeping Qiang locked in there. "Where is he?" she asked, fastening a rope around the animal's neck, but even admitting it would listen to her, the reptile wasn't able to understand a word of what she was saying: it was just glad to be free... and started pulling towards the river.

    She had a clear visual over the entire valley from there and there she saw it: a dim light, close to the stream. Fire. It could only be him: she mounted the mongoose dragon, spurring it towards the light. There was no way he could escape. He was too slow. "Where do you think you're going? I've told you to stay inside!" she screamed, crossing his way. "You're injured and you're an idiot, you won't get to the closest town alive!" she tried to make him reason.

    Sil, cercherei di tenere le role il più brevi possibile e di dare ampio spazio alle mosse di combattimento.
  3. Silian
        +1   -1

    User deleted

    Nopro, ci tenevo ad introdurre bene il combattimento^^ ho aggiornato le stat di combattimento

    ANNO 18, MESE 3, GIORNO 14, POST 79, night
    "Kiss hits like a thunder, love passes by like a storm"
    [48.505 Antkantos (darkred): n° exp (30r100x2)] [DENARO: 361 NdF DEPOSITATO: conto, ABBIGLIAMENTO: brown leather boots, coat and gloves with fur inside, woolen grey sweather and scarf, short hair] [EV: 1000, ABILITA': Dominio elettrico, ARMATURA: //, ARMI: sciabole gemelle(off), kukri(off)]

    Stats PG:

    Atk= 1650
    Def= 1450
    Vel= 300

    Mosse caratteristiche-di scuola: Colonna di fuoco; Fuoco del giudizio; Scoppio; Elettrizzazione; Fulmine Globulare; Barriera Elettrostatica; Controllo del calore; Anello di fuoco; Bloccare le fiamme; Scudo di Fuoco; Propulsione; Fruste elettriche

    Matt heard the lizard's breath nearer and nearer, until a dark shape ran by his side and blocked his path. He stopped, his legs sunk in the cold snow up to his knees and the little fireball faded away, letting that place falling back to the nocturnal darkness. A blind rage rose in the man's chest: he just wanted to be free! And she hated him, she didn't really care about his life... he just wanted that pharse to stop! "LET ME GO!" he roared with all his breath, than he threw something blue and sparkling towards the lizard: he did it by instinct, and he was surprised as he watched that flying thing... it looked like a ball-shaped lightning...

    A. Atk *Globular lightning* Atk=1650+150=1800 Vel: ***
  4.     +1   -1


    dalla terra delle Melinda


    YEAR 18, MONTH 3, DAY 14, post 20 ~ evening

    ~ dialogues: #FF007F
    ~ exp: 197.190 (3r40)
    ~ gold: 1500 mo (jewelry) + 3700 gld FN +
    ~ wears: old green tunic, brown leather coat and boots, hair tied up in a ponytail
    ~ armor: D1 (off)
    ~ weapons: pugnale (on)
    ~ ability: fiamme blu, controllo dell'attacco B
    ~ moves: scudo di fuoco, attacco combinato, schivata veloce, pioggia di fuoco, bastione di fuoco, scatto, inversione di potenza, resistenza, colonna di fuoco, rigenerazione, attacco a sorpresa.
    ~ stats:
    Atk D. 1.800+50% (fiamme blu) = 2.700
    Def D. 2.001+1/10 (armatura) = 2.201
    Atk 549
    Def 400+1/10 (armatura) = 440
    Vel 390
    EV 1.550/1.550

    Qiang howled, ready to cut Antk's head off, but Iris kept it from hurting the man. The half moon was shining above them, allowing the two to partially see the surroundings even without the man's fire. She knew that stance: was he really going to...? She caught the sparkle in his eyes and she realized he was, so she swiftly hopped back to the ground, moving to guard position: "don't dare!" she threatened him, but apparently she was wasting her breath. A globular lighting stroke against her; he should have known better! The time when she was afraid of lightings was long gone: she moved her hands forward and the sparkling ball stopped a few inches from her.

    (A.Def *redirect lighting* def=*** atk=900 vel=390)
    EV Iris: 1550

    She used her own bending to enhance the shot and then throw it back to him: he shouldn't have challenged her!

    (A.Atk *fire punch B* atk=1800+35=1.835 vel=390+10=400)

    I am both redirecting an attack and attacking her PC, so I have to combine my two attacks, which is done as following:

    (A.Atk *fire punch B + redirect lighting* atk=1800(highest attack)+150(globular lighting atk)+35(fire punch attack)+40(20 for each move I'm using)=2025 vel=390+40(20 for each move)=430)

    Being a firebender and fighting at night I can't use my special abilities... but Sil has the same problem. Fighting against a waterbender in these conditions would be a lot more complicated :asd:
  5. Silian
        +1   -1

    User deleted

    Wow, a pretty complicated match to introduce our guests to the fight system XD

    Being a firebender and fighting at night I can't use my special abilities... but Sil has the same problem. Fighting against a waterbender in these conditions would be a lot more complicated

    Actually... I just forgot to apply my Firebending ability^^" Electricbending works also during the night, and it's expecially made to neutralize Bloodbending.

    ANNO 18, MESE 3, GIORNO 14, POST 79, night
    "Kiss hits like a thunder, love passes by like a storm"
    [48.545 Antkantos (darkred): n° exp (3r20x2)] [DENARO: 361 NdF DEPOSITATO: conto, ABBIGLIAMENTO: brown leather boots, coat and gloves with fur inside, woolen grey sweather and scarf, short hair] [EV: 1000, ABILITA': Dominio elettrico, ARMATURA: //, ARMI: sciabole gemelle(off), kukri(off)]

    Stats PG:

    Atk= 1650
    Def= 1450
    Vel= 300

    Mosse caratteristiche-di scuola: Colonna di fuoco; Fuoco del giudizio; Scoppio; Elettrizzazione; Fulmine Globulare; Barriera Elettrostatica; Controllo del calore; Anello di fuoco; Bloccare le fiamme; Scudo di Fuoco; Propulsione; Fruste elettriche

    A lightning? Matt was astonished. Was he strong enough to use lightnings? Something shook in his head: faded images and feelings, but he wasn't able to say if they were real or not. But another thing made him more astonished than before: it was Anthea. She handled lightnings and fire as a sculptor does with wet clay. He felt a shudder running down, through his back: her death threatening was never been a bluff... but suddenly fear turned into burning fire. He gnashed his teeth, feeling more resoluted than before to gain his freedom: he projecyed four jets of fire towards the ground, and felt his feet leaving the earth; than he increased the fire power and he flew out fast as a rocket.

    (A.Atk *fire punch B + redirect lighting* atk=1800(highest attack)+150(globular lighting atk)+35(fire punch attack)+40(20 for each move I'm using)=2025 vel=390+40(20 for each move)=430)

    (A. Def *Propulsion* def=*** vel=310) EV=1000

    Snow was melting around them, heath made air around them tremble as in the desert at midday. He felt his energy leaving him with each inch of fire: he stopped and turned to deal with her once again. She would never have him back alive!

    (A. Atk *Electric whips* atk=1650)+100 (Electric whips attack)+50 (Electricbending bonus)= 1800 vel=***

    Well, if it wasn't clear enough, I have to use special moves (***) 'cause my character is not strong enough to engage properly a battle with someone like Iris, and even in this way I cannot even scratch her.

    I already used 2 moves with vel=*** and 1 with def=***, so I have left only one vel***, one atk*** and one def***.
  6.     +1   -1


    dalla terra delle Melinda

    Wow, a pretty complicated match to introduce our guests to the fight system XD

    well, they can introduce themselves by reading the rules, I'm showing a little more creative use of the formulas, no one ever fights against me, let me have fun! U_u

    YEAR 18, MONTH 3, DAY 14, post 21 ~ evening

    ~ dialogues: #FF007F
    ~ exp: 197.230 (3r40)
    ~ gold: 1500 mo (jewelry) + 3700 gld FN +
    ~ wears: old green tunic, brown leather coat and boots, hair tied up in a ponytail
    ~ armor: D1 (off)
    ~ weapons: pugnale (on)
    ~ ability: fiamme blu, controllo dell'attacco B
    ~ moves: scudo di fuoco, attacco combinato, schivata veloce, pioggia di fuoco, bastione di fuoco, scatto, inversione di potenza, resistenza, colonna di fuoco, rigenerazione, attacco a sorpresa.
    ~ stats:
    Atk D. 1.800+50% (fiamme blu) = 2.700
    Def D. 2.001+1/10 (armatura) = 2.201
    Atk 549
    Def 400+1/10 (armatura) = 440
    Vel 390
    EV 1.550/1.550

    Iris witnessed, powerless, as Antk dodged her attack. She frowned: she always kept her powers to deliver the minimum damage she could every time she fought against him, but not this time. She was too angry to control herself and he... dodged. Landing without a scratch. Even more: he was injured while she was not. When did he learn to fight like that? She stared at him, wondering: when did his powers grow so strong? But before she could find an answer the elecrticity gathering up in the air brought her back to the fight. When the lightning stroke against her she directed a strong fire jet against the ground, flying up in the air.

    (A.Def *fire jet* def=2.001 vel=***)
    EV: 1550

    Silian used a move with vel=***
    by defending with a vel=*** I turn that back to a normal move, so to determine if I'm going to get hit I check her attack value (1500) and confront it with my defense (2001). Since my Def is higher I don't get hit. Sil used a Def *** instead of turning the move back to normal with a Vel *** because since my Atk is higher than her defense she would have been hit.

    Iris made a quick backflip, landing right behind Antk: she grabbed one of the pebbles and tried to stun him by hitting it on his back with all the strenght she had.

    (A.Atk *turning attack* atk=549+80=629 vel=390+35=425 )

    Notice that my attack is a lot weaker here; it's because I'm not attacking him with firebending, being a physical attack, I have to use my Atk and Def vaòues instead of Atk D. and Def D.
  7. Silian
        +1   -1

    User deleted

    ANNO 18, MESE 3, GIORNO 14, POST 80, night
    "Kiss hits like a thunder, love passes by like a storm"
    [48.585 Antkantos (darkred): n° exp (3r20x2)] [DENARO: 361 NdF DEPOSITATO: conto, ABBIGLIAMENTO: brown leather boots, coat and gloves with fur inside, woolen grey sweather and scarf, short hair] [EV: 970, ABILITA': Dominio elettrico, ARMATURA: //, ARMI: sciabole gemelle(off), kukri(off)]

    Stats PG:

    Atk= 1650
    Def= 1450
    Vel= 300

    Mosse caratteristiche-di scuola: Colonna di fuoco; Fuoco del giudizio; Scoppio; Elettrizzazione; Fulmine Globulare; Barriera Elettrostatica; Controllo del calore; Anello di fuoco; Bloccare le fiamme; Scudo di Fuoco; Propulsione; Fruste elettriche

    That fight was draining fastly his energies: he panted heavily and sweated, and the flashing lights made even more difficult to follow his opposer's moves. He frowned as darkness fell again, after his last lightning: he couldn't see her any more. She must have been somewhere, but... wait a second... he heard something moving right behind his back. He felt the acrid bite of fear hitting again his chest, and he roared as he turned to face whatever she was doing.

    (A.Catk *Fire punch A* def=[1.450]>[440] atk=[1.650]>[549]) EV= *970*

    His burning fist met something hard and his wrist pained sharply. "STOP IT!" he yelled, aiming towards her legs with a low kick: if he could make her fall, maybe he had time enough to run away before she reached her damn lizard...

    (A.Atk *Fire kick A* atk= 1650 + 20 = 1657 vel= 300 + 40 = 340)
  8.     +1   -1


    dalla terra delle Melinda


    YEAR 18, MONTH 3, DAY 14, post 22 ~ evening

    ~ dialogues: #FF007F
    ~ exp: 197.270 (3r40)
    ~ gold: 1500 mo (jewelry) + 3700 gld FN +
    ~ wears: old green tunic, brown leather coat and boots, hair tied up in a ponytail
    ~ armor: D1 (off)
    ~ weapons: pugnale (on)
    ~ ability: fiamme blu, controllo dell'attacco B
    ~ moves: scudo di fuoco, attacco combinato, schivata veloce, pioggia di fuoco, bastione di fuoco, scatto, inversione di potenza, resistenza, colonna di fuoco, rigenerazione, attacco a sorpresa.
    ~ stats:
    Atk D. 1.800+50% (fiamme blu) = 2.700
    Def D. 2.001+1/10 (armatura) = 2.201
    Atk 549
    Def 400+1/10 (armatura) = 440
    Vel 390
    EV 1.550/1.550

    Iris was quick to react, but she didn't expect Antk be able to effectively countering any of her attacks, so when she felt the fire warming up the air around her she wasn't prepared and just stepped back as fast as she could, protecting herself with her arms.


    However, Antk didn't seem willing to let her breathe one second more: she was still covering her head with her hands when he kicked a fireball against her. And it was then that something else begun motivating her: he was injured. And yet he managed to hit her! The best bender in the whole world! That was something her pride couldn't allow. "You're dead" she promised him, protecting herself with a quick fire blast.

    (A.Def *scudo di fuoco* def=2.001+50=2.051 vel=390+10=400) EV=1520

    Antk's attack lasted a few seconds, nevertheless Iris kept fueling her blow, directing it towards the man's chest.

    (A.Atk *onda di fuoco* atk=1800+50=1850 vel=***)
  9. Silian
        +1   -1

    User deleted

    Did Def*** block vel***? I'm not sure

    ANNO 18, MESE 3, GIORNO 14, POST 81, night
    "Kiss hits like a thunder, love passes by like a storm"
    [48.685 Antkantos (darkred): n° exp (15r50x2)] [DENARO: 361 NdF DEPOSITATO: conto, ABBIGLIAMENTO: brown leather boots, coat and gloves with fur inside, woolen grey sweather and scarf, short hair] [EV: 970, ABILITA': Dominio elettrico, ARMATURA: //, ARMI: sciabole gemelle(off), kukri(off)]

    Stats PG:

    Atk= 1650
    Def= 1450
    Vel= 300

    Mosse caratteristiche-di scuola: Colonna di fuoco; Fuoco del giudizio; Scoppio; Elettrizzazione; Fulmine Globulare; Barriera Elettrostatica; Controllo del calore; Anello di fuoco; Bloccare le fiamme; Scudo di Fuoco; Propulsione; Fruste elettriche

    The glade was becoming more and more bright, so bright that he could see every branch on every tree all around. But it wasn't because of him. It was because of her. As soon as his kicks faded, he saw the monstrosity she was producing and he knew he was really dead. Fear drained more energies than he could afford, and he heard a man's voice in his head: it sounded like it belonged to a wise man and it felt strangely comforting -as if he loved that person so much. Akaos, the only way to conquer fear is to face it straight on, it said. Matt didn't know what Akaos could mean, nor he knew how could he face straight on a thing line that. He was going to die -or even worse, he was going to be seriously injured and uncapable of any move. And that woman would make all that she wanted with his body, for revenge.

    Then the blow came, and the only thing he was able to do was to scream with all his forces and try to keep it away from him -but he simply wasn't strong enough.

    (A.Atk *onda di fuoco* atk=1800+50=1850 vel=***)
    A. Def *fire ring* def*** vel 375 EV= 970

    He shut his eyes, ready to feel his skin burning: he felt the pressure of that attack becoming more and more strong... then it was like he was breaking through an opened door, and he fell backwards on his backside. Alive. And without any burst.
    The ground was hot under his fingers, without snow, and the trees around them gleamed with a reddish shine.
    He... did it? Did he survive? Matt suppressed the laughter of relief that fought to come across his throat, and glanced towards Anthea. She was still there, and she still wanted to kill him. Was that a game for her? He tried to stand up, but without any result: he was like a tank without any fuel. He remembered he didn't want to die as a prisoner, less than three minutes ago. And he knew in that right moment he didn't want to die, too. He didn't know he was strong enough to face a Firebender like her, but he survived. If he just had enough time to practise... a strategic retreat, that was its name. He hated somehow retreats -also if he didn't remember he was a soldier- but that one was quite challenging. He raised his hands as sign of surrender. "I cannot face you" he panted, and immediately he hated himself so strongly that he would bite off his own tongue, if only it would bring back his words. Like there were more than one person in his head: Matt felt a shiver running through his backbone, although the glade was pretty hot.
  10.     +1   -1


    dalla terra delle Melinda

    Yes, it does. Def *** blocks anything.

    YEAR 18, MONTH 3, DAY 14, post 23 ~ evening

    ~ dialogues: #FF007F
    ~ exp: 197.370 (15r100)
    ~ gold: 1500 mo (jewelry) + 3700 gld FN +
    ~ wears: old green tunic, brown leather coat and boots, hair tied up in a ponytail
    ~ armor: D1 (off)
    ~ weapons: pugnale (on)
    ~ ability: fiamme blu, controllo dell'attacco B
    ~ moves: scudo di fuoco, attacco combinato, schivata veloce, pioggia di fuoco, bastione di fuoco, scatto, inversione di potenza, resistenza, colonna di fuoco, rigenerazione, attacco a sorpresa.
    ~ stats:
    Atk D. 1.800+50% (fiamme blu) = 2.700
    Def D. 2.001+1/10 (armatura) = 2.201
    Atk 549
    Def 400+1/10 (armatura) = 440
    Vel 390
    EV 1.550/1.550

    Iris silently witnessed as Antk protected himself with a fire ring: she had never seen him doing that before... how many things were there she didn't know about him? When did he grow so strong? Who did he meet, what did he do in all those years after they grew apart? She watched him raising his hands to surrender, admitting what they all knew, that he wouldn't survive a fight against her. But was she really the strongest there? Because despite his conditions he managed to hit her while he was still standing without a scratch. And that wasn't the first time: the day he was appointed general, for instance. She was supposed to be the strongest bender in the entire world, and yet he beated her... she did a beginner's mistake that time, but that didn't make her defeat any more acceptable. And even now that he was weak and injured, he was facing her without fear.

    She hesitated. That was what she wanted afterall: his surrender. Him obeying her, for once. She shook her head: "yes, you can" she had to admit "you're probably not strong enough to beat me, but you surely can stand up to me" she said, losing herself in her thoughts for a long moment before straightening up, without any further attack "... and you were never afraid to do so. That's why I loved you. There wasn't a single nobleman in my court who dared telling me something I didn't like to hear, even if it was for my own good" she said, smiling grievingly as she recalled the past. "At 17 you travelled through the whole world just to find me, you challenged my father's will just for me, you threw to the winds our secular traditions... and look at us now! Trying to kill each others!" she said, shaking her head. She closed her eyes, rubbing her forehead with her hands "I can't let you go. If I do, my children will be in grave danger and I assure you I won't allow that... but please, don't make this any harder. Come back with me on your own will... alive" she added, motioning towards the house hidden among the rocks.
  11. Silian
        +1   -1

    User deleted

    ANNO 18, MESE 3, GIORNO 14, POST 82, night
    "Kiss hits like a thunder, love passes by like a storm"
    [48.785 Antkantos (darkred): n° exp (15r50x2)] [DENARO: 361 NdF DEPOSITATO: conto, ABBIGLIAMENTO: brown leather boots, coat and gloves with fur inside, woolen grey sweather and scarf, short hair] [EV: 970, ABILITA': Dominio elettrico, ARMATURA: //, ARMI: sciabole gemelle(off), kukri(off)]

    Stats PG:

    Atk= 1650
    Def= 1450
    Vel= 300

    Mosse caratteristiche-di scuola: Colonna di fuoco; Fuoco del giudizio; Scoppio; Elettrizzazione; Fulmine Globulare; Barriera Elettrostatica; Controllo del calore; Anello di fuoco; Bloccare le fiamme; Scudo di Fuoco; Propulsione; Fruste elettriche

    "I can what?" he wondered, and the voices in his head suddenly stopped complaining. She left her fighting stance, and kept on talking about strange stuff. Stuff like her old feelings: well, Matt could hardly believe that a woman like her could feel something for someone who was not her beloved kids. It was strange, to hear words like that ones leave her mouth. In the meantime his heartbit was slowing down and the sweat on his skin started cooling: he soon found himself shivering on the ground, deadly tired. The only thing his body demanded was a rest and a warm place to sleep, but she seemed lost in her memories and didn't move from her spot: the only thing left to do was to hear her strange monologue.

    He should have been proud of what he was hearing, if it wasn't totally nonsense. She must have been really a confused woman, and it was an euphemism. Noblemen, courts... he should have realized it before, probably he was never been really a General: every single man could have achieved his knowledge during military service. No noble woman would ever renounce to her gorgeous life. Living alone must have had terrible effects on her, but her feelings seemed authentic: maybe he really argued with her father for her love, many years before. It was strange to think about her as an ex-girlfriend... an ex-girlfriend determined to keep him trapped in the middle of nowhere.

    "As you wish" he sighed, and struggled to stand up. A whiffle of cold mountain wind air under his clothes, making him shudder: he hurried and walked with unsteady steps to her side, tightening his arms around his chest. "B-but I need to ask you something" he babbled, chattering his teeth. "I-I don't remember anything. You know my past. I need to talk t-to you about it" he said, looking firmly into her eyes.
  12.     +1   -1


    dalla terra delle Melinda


    YEAR 18, MONTH 3, DAY 14, post 23 ~ evening

    ~ dialogues: #FF007F
    ~ exp: 197.470 (15r100)
    ~ gold: 1500 mo (jewelry) + 3700 gld FN +
    ~ wears: old green tunic, brown leather coat and boots, hair tied up in a ponytail
    ~ armor: D1 (off)
    ~ weapons: pugnale (on)
    ~ ability: fiamme blu, controllo dell'attacco B
    ~ moves: scudo di fuoco, attacco combinato, schivata veloce, pioggia di fuoco, bastione di fuoco, scatto, inversione di potenza, resistenza, colonna di fuoco, rigenerazione, attacco a sorpresa.
    ~ stats:
    Atk D. 1.800+50% (fiamme blu) = 2.700
    Def D. 2.001+1/10 (armatura) = 2.201
    Atk 549
    Def 400+1/10 (armatura) = 440
    Vel 390
    EV 1.550/1.550

    Iris blinked, surprised. Knowing him she thought that would be much harder. Was he really going to come back, and quit causing her problems? Though, on a second thought... he just acknowledged to coming back, he hadn't said anything about behaving. That was a start, at least. She saw him falter and she quickly reached out for him, trying to hold him up, but it wasn't easy: he was too heavy for her and she was tired.

    "B-but I need to ask you something" he said, making her stop to look inquisitively straight into his eyes: talking about his past... their past. There were good things in there, but also a lot of pain, treasons, difficult choices they both made... things she wanted to forget: Longwei's treason after all the time they spent together. Shibao, the way he loved her and how she paid off his loyalty. Leon, the time spent at the north pole and the war against the waterbenders... the battle at the southern front and the Avatar's death. And again... the pirates, Antk's betrayal with her sister. But also Ilah, Sozin, the summers spent on Ember Island, their hopes and their dreams.

    She looked away, silently shaking her head: "I don't know..." she admitted, feeling an umbearable weight on her heart. They had been through just too much to be wanting to think about it all over again. "It's not easy for me to talk about it" she confessed and before he could say anything she brought to fingers to her mouth and made a piercing high tone whistle. Qiang, who was hunting nearby, immediately reached her side, snorting and grunting in Antk's direction. "Get on" ordered Iris, holding the lizard by its reins.
  13. Silian
        +1   -1

    User deleted

    ANNO 18, MESE 3, GIORNO 14, POST 83, night
    "Kiss hits like a thunder, love passes by like a storm"
    [48.885 Antkantos (darkred): n° exp (15r50x2)] [DENARO: 361 NdF DEPOSITATO: conto, ABBIGLIAMENTO: brown leather boots, coat and gloves with fur inside, woolen grey sweather and scarf, short hair] [EV: 970, ABILITA': Dominio elettrico, ARMATURA: //, ARMI: sciabole gemelle(off), kukri(off)]

    Stats PG:

    Atk= 1650
    Def= 1450
    Vel= 300

    Mosse caratteristiche-di scuola: Colonna di fuoco; Fuoco del giudizio; Scoppio; Elettrizzazione; Fulmine Globulare; Barriera Elettrostatica; Controllo del calore; Anello di fuoco; Bloccare le fiamme; Scudo di Fuoco; Propulsione; Fruste elettriche

    Matt glanced grimly at the lizard: if his escaping plan failed, it was its fault. He didn't trust that stupid animal but it seemed to respond to his mistress, so he followed Anthea's words and climbed on Quiang. For the first time he was close enough to study its saddle: it wouldn't have had any interest, if it wasn't clearly one of the most expensive existing saddles. The leather was strong but flexible and soft on the saddlebow, its edges were decorated with flame patterns and the same flames were repeated on the brass studs all around. Did she steal that monster with all its saddle? After thinking some seconds, he had to give evidence: despite her bending, she wasn't strong enough to steal a deadly, four-quintal weighted carnivorous lizard and flee with it safely into nowhere, without losing one of her precious kids. The animal must have had a severe training in order to obey to her commands.

    The man sighed, still looking to the saddle in front of him. "You're p-pratically kidnapping me. I give up from trying to escape. Take your time, but it would be be-better if I know the truth from you, inste-tead of discover it one day on my own, don't you think? It would be f-far too unpleasant". The strategical retreat had no more room in his head: her past was clearly her weak point, and surely digging into it would have better results than trying to flee and risking death once a week. "You know, when you talked some m-minutes ago about Courts and nobles I th-thought you were insane. I think I hate your lizard, but it has p-proven I was wrong. You could feed a whole village for months only with this saddle" he admitted, shaking slowly his head. "Who are you?" he asked finally, glancing again at her.
  14.     +1   -1


    dalla terra delle Melinda


    YEAR 18, MONTH 3, DAY 14, post 25 ~ evening

    ~ dialogues: #FF007F
    ~ exp: 197.670 (30r200)
    ~ gold: 1500 mo (jewelry) + 3700 gld FN +
    ~ wears: old green tunic, brown leather coat and boots, hair tied up in a ponytail
    ~ armor: D1 (off)
    ~ weapons: pugnale (on)
    ~ ability: fiamme blu, controllo dell'attacco B
    ~ moves: scudo di fuoco, attacco combinato, schivata veloce, pioggia di fuoco, bastione di fuoco, scatto, inversione di potenza, resistenza, colonna di fuoco, rigenerazione, attacco a sorpresa.
    ~ stats:
    Atk D. 1.800+50% (fiamme blu) = 2.700
    Def D. 2.001+1/10 (armatura) = 2.201
    Atk 549
    Def 400+1/10 (armatura) = 440
    Vel 390
    EV 1.550/1.550

    She was relieved to see that he decided to obey her, without further questions, but she should have known that silence wasn't destined to last long. It was Antk, after all, and part of her loved him for that being so unconventional, so bold, at times. Kidnapping. She almost smiled at that idea. If only he knew what she was risking having him there! She wondered about that for a mere second, before realising he probably wouldn't have cared anyway. She shook her head, ignoring his question until he mentioned the possibility to find out what happened from someone else... luckily there wasn't anyone there who was going to tell him anything. Sozin was still too little to make one meaningful conversation and besides that he was too young to know anything about his father. As for Ilah, she was growing up quickly, she was a clever girl and Iris knew that given the chance she would have tried to deceive her, but she knew better than her daughter and of course she wasn't willing to give her half a chance.

    Iris smiled when her husband revealed he thought she was insane. There was some irony in all of that. She, too, thought she was insane, the moment she decided to spare his life. More than once... and that was the result. Someone telling her what she already knew. She silently shook her head, ignoring him as she walked back to the stone house hidden above them.

    "... but it has p-proven I was wrong". At that statement she looked up at him, giving the man a curious look. If only he knew... he seemed shocked, surprised and although she knew how risky was giving him any other detail, that situation was too amusing to resist. She chuckled, pausing a moment to reveal a gold bracelet, hidden under the ripped sleeve of her old tunic. "And think what I could do with this" she teased him: if the saddle alone could have fed the village her bracelet worthed probably enough to build an entire village. Nothing too technological, but that was still an unique piece, carved by one of the greatest artists in the entire nation.

    She silently looked at the jewel for a moment, as memories filled in her mind. She blinked, shaking her head, then she took the bracelet off and handed it over to Antk. "This used to be yours. Take it" she basically ordered. And it was true, indeed. That was the same jewel she gifted him after their first night together, the same jewel he gave her back the day they argued about their future. She didn't know exactly why among all her precious and most valued treasures she decided to take that along the day she left the Royal Palace. At first she thought that was a piece worthy enough to feed them all for a while if she ever needed money out there, but then, when she had the possibility to exchange it for anything, she always found another way. Apparently getting rid of it was as difficult as freeing herself from its previous owner.

    She gave Antk a weird look. But of course he couldn't know anything of that. That was just a pretty jewel to him. She wasn't exacly sure why she was giving it back to him... it just felt right and maybe part of her hoped he never gave it back. She suddenly realised she was nervous, fearing the idea he could reject her gift again. It might mean nothing to him, but to her... it meant more than she was willing to admit.
  15. Silian
        +1   -1

    User deleted

    ANNO 18, MESE 3, GIORNO 14, POST 84, night
    "Kiss hits like a thunder, love passes by like a storm"
    [48.985 Antkantos (darkred): n° exp (15r50x2)] [DENARO: 361 NdF DEPOSITATO: conto, ABBIGLIAMENTO: brown leather boots, coat and gloves with fur inside, woolen grey sweather and scarf, short hair] [EV: 970, ABILITA': Dominio elettrico, ARMATURA: //, ARMI: sciabole gemelle(off), kukri(off)]

    Stats PG:

    Atk= 1650
    Def= 1450
    Vel= 300

    Mosse caratteristiche-di scuola: Colonna di fuoco; Fuoco del giudizio; Scoppio; Elettrizzazione; Fulmine Globulare; Barriera Elettrostatica; Controllo del calore; Anello di fuoco; Bloccare le fiamme; Scudo di Fuoco; Propulsione; Fruste elettriche

    Matt rose his eyebrows and hesitated before taking the jewel from Anthea's hands. She could sell it for a better house for her kids and some ordinary food, instead of the poor prey of her hunt. Probably it was one of her attempts to keep the children safe: she would draw the people's attention showing something like that around, and probably noone in the villages around would have enough stuff to repay it properly. He spent several moments glancing alternatively from her to the object, waiting for the right moment to give it back... but the woman didn't seem to want it. "It's... beautiful" he murmured, a bit confused.

    It was embossed with flames decorations, the same of the saddle: was it a coat-of-arms? The owner of the lizard was the same of the bracelet, noone else but Anthea. He studied it silently for a while, as they approached to the house; he waited for the filthy reptyle to stop in order to climb off and followed the woman towards the stable, always brooding. Anthea's bracelet once was owned by him, but it was far too small for his wrist; long time ago he challenged her father for hers love, and now she nearly killed him: that jewel must have had a connection with his past. Their past.

    "If it's a riddle, I'll solve it" he thought, holding tight the small object in his hand. He was deadly tired. "I want to help you with the hunting" he said, looking for some reason to break the silence. "I hate feeling useless. If I have to stay there for a long time, I need something to do". But as he thought again to the reasons that brought him to speak, he realised that he just didn't want to loose the first occasion in several days to talk to her without arguing. He didn't avoid her glance, but he felt a little warm blush blooming on his cold cheeks.
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