# Avatar, la leggenda di Aang & Korra - The last Airbender || GdR/GdN, news e discussioni #

Votes taken by OlîverLüna

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    I due ragazzi parevano volersi tirare indietro, appena mi videro, e quasi sicuramente si scambiarono uno sguardo dubbioso se accettare o meno il mio invito: ma durò poco, il più bassino dei due anzi mi rivolse un cortese buongiorno nell'avvicinarsi alla porta.
    "Buongiorno a voi, miei cari" Dissi, mentre li facevo accomodare nella sala di attesa proprio di fianco alla porta. "Prego, mettetevi comodi. Gradite qualcosa da bere nell'attesa?" Li guardai divertita, accingendomi a preparar loro da bere e porgendogli poi delle tortine salate. Dalla cucina Meg si interruppe, sentendo il campanellino della porta tintinnare e accorse per far accomodare gli ospiti. Quando ci vide, mortificata per il suo ritardo, si eclissò, tornando in cucina a trafficare, non prima di aver indugiato ancora su entrambi i giovani. Anche io, incuriosita quanto Meg, li osservai con calma e attenzione, cercando di carpire quanto più possibile su di loro e sulla loro storia.

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    Da apprezzare soprattutto l'editing! Davvero bello l'effetto disegnato :)
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    YEAR 22, MONTH 3, DAY 6, POST 19time: ???

    • dialogues: #C3C300
    • age: 12
    • exp: 1420(15r50x2)
    • gold: 10 RdT DEPOSITATO: 990 RdT conto
    • wears: pantaloni larghi alle ginocchia di colore giallo chiaro, maglia a mezze maniche giallo canarino, sandali in cuoio
    • stats:
    EV: 600, ABILITA': nessuna, ARMATURA: nessuna, ARMI: nessuna
    Atk: 550 Def: 550 Vel: 300

    And then Raya realized. "I fear you're mistaking my person for someone who is not" She looked to Zuri with a little smile, the one she used to do before starting laughing for a good joke "Of course, he is!" Answering to the retorical question Zuri made, "Zuri, this is my master of fighting, Mister Rainu, from Ba Sing Se. He is a great on all over the weapons you can think about! And he is also a best friend of mine!" The little girl added, like it was the simplest and the happiest thing she did from a long time, willing to erase all the bad feelings she had earlier. The master looked amused the Earth Princess, enlarging a smile then he added "Yes, yes, of course...My mistake! You know, it is not that common to see you with another girl that have such a low rank, as a solier may be, my princess Raya" Then he watched both the girls.
    "I believe we'd better move" Zuri said, and a gentle smile appeared on Rainu's face. I totally agree with you, Zuri. I think we should move as faster we can, the storm over there is getting closer and more dangerous than before. So, let's move all togheter: for two girls like you is unsafe to stay here a minute longer. Raya, on her side, became more stressed and tired, so she was glad to hear that also her master was going with her. As Zuri suggested before, the princess started to walk in the storm direction and few steps later, when it was enough clear to her master, he cathed her on her arm, stopping the girl to make another step. "What do you think you are doing?" He said rudly, "Where are you going, little girl? Did you not hear me? We must go in that direction." he added with his cruelty voice pointing the opposite direction, where it was possible to see a lighter sky.
    Raya was in pain, the strenght of that grip on her arm harmed her more than the creepy eyes he moved around. She didn't know how to react, what to think about that behaviour, where find a solution for all the situation. She started tearing, looking to her master, and to Zuri, convulsively
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    YEAR 22, MONTH 3, DAY 6, POST 18time: ???

    • dialogues: #C3C300
    • age: 12
    • exp: 1320(15r50)
    • gold: 10 RdT DEPOSITATO: 990 RdT conto
    • wears: pantaloni larghi alle ginocchia di colore giallo chiaro, maglia a mezze maniche giallo canarino, sandali in cuoio
    • stats:
    EV: 600, ABILITA': nessuna, ARMATURA: nessuna, ARMI: nessuna
    Atk: 550 Def: 550 Vel: 300

    Raya trembled: listening to that voice was not so healing like usally, the cold she wasn't feeling that much for a second just exploded on her body. "yes..of course I did. That one over there is my master..." She interrupted, looking back at the rock where the man sat. Raya was happy to realize that he was still there, just after she noticed that he has also a strange smile on his face, like a sparkling shadow. The little princess did not loose her happiness, yet she started to approach him, elaborating the warnings Zuri gave her during the all time they spent togheter. "Master Rainu, that's great that you are here! She yelled, with a big smile. "let me introduce you my new friend, that is Zuri, a soldier from Fire Nation Army, ..." she was saying to him, while he spoke faking surprise, again with the deep and gloomy voice Oh, so this is what you are now, princess? looking directly to Zuri. I know her better than you, my dear Raya, even I will not tell you more, because you also disappointed me and I cannot stand for you anymore. He added with anger and cruelty in his voice, like he was hiding something more.
    Raya, once more, felt small and stupid, because all of it was happening under his nose and still she didn't understand that much. She looked first to her master and then to Zuri, waiting for some words of explaination from one of them. While, she started to think about what he said about his disappoint about herself, like she did something really bad to him: she couldn't recall that, she couldn't think about a single reason to disobey her beloved master Rainu.

    Ho chiamato il maestro Rainu, giusto perché sembrava brutto non dargli un nome proprio..se me lo approvi, lo inserisco anche in scheda :asd:

    Edited by OlîverLüna - 29/6/2020, 20:22
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    La prima fanciulla era di nobile famiglia, accompagnata da alcune donzelle che aspettarono in piedi per tutto il tempo della mia divinazione; le stelle prospettavano ulteriori fortune per tutte e per una in particolare persino un buon partito, che l'avrebbe resa felice. La seconda ad entrare era invece sola, figlia di un commerciante piuttosto facoltoso del villaggio, la quale chiedeva soprattutto informazioni sul padre e sul suo destino, visto che di recente aveva mostrato problemi alla salute: in questo caso le stelle erano meno favorevoli.
    Continuò così per un bel po', poi decisi di prendermi una pausa, sgranchirmi le gambe, bere qualcosa di fresco. Le due fanciulle sulla porta ebbero un velo di delusione sugli occhi, ma le rassicurai che sarebbe stata una breve pausa e che in ogni caso dovevano mostrare rispetto per una donna più anziana di loro. Meg come sempre provava ad intrattenere le ragazze in attesa, a volte in modo piuttosto eccentrico, ma sempre con il cuore; mentre mi andava a prendere da bere, mi affacciai alla porta, con l'intenzione di guardare quanto ancora avessi da lavorare prima di poter fare la conoscenza con i due giovani, sul fondo della fila, che mostravano negli sguardi insistenti e nei volti confusi che non sapevano minimamente cosa stessero facendo. Feci un cenno con il capo, in segno di saluto, nella loro direzione, e rientrai.
    Le ultime tre clienti entrarono in rapida sequenza dopo la mia pausa, siccome tutte avevano ben chiaro in mente cosa chiedermi. Era finalmente giunto il momento dei due ragazzi: siccome Meg era molto indaffarata a preparare il pranzo, mi diressi io stessa alla porta per invitarli ad entrare.
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    ah! quindi si tratta di una lotta a prescindere...ho capito! Non condivido, però ho capito!!
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    Il classico "Mors tua Vita mea" ...forse la NdF ha solo applicato più in fretta i dettami degli antichi
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    YEAR 22, MONTH 3, DAY 6, POST 17time: ???

    • dialogues: #C3C300
    • age: 12
    • exp: 1270(15r50)
    • gold: 10 RdT DEPOSITATO: 990 RdT conto
    • wears: pantaloni larghi alle ginocchia di colore giallo chiaro, maglia a mezze maniche giallo canarino, sandali in cuoio
    • stats:
    EV: 600, ABILITA': nessuna, ARMATURA: nessuna, ARMI: nessuna
    Atk: 550 Def: 550 Vel: 300

    The little princess was already moving, when Zuri asked if she could walk: Raya widen her eyes once more, surprised that she was so focused on her words to not pay attention on what Raya was doing. Of course, her body was injured, and stressed, so maybe what she was really doing didn't looking like proper walking, but at least, she was moving in the storm direction. Her eyes jumper again in front of her, along the river, and then she saw him: she couldn't believe her eyes. He was there, looking at her, with his smile opened, with his affectionate look: her master of fight, and all the others thing you may learn from an adult, was waiting for her. Raya was happy to see that face, so she accelerated a bit her steps, to reach him and she was almost there, a blink of an eye..and he was gone. Raya was stunned, she saw him so clearly. She looked back to Zuri, and once again she stopped trying to elaborate what she just saw. She took just a minute and then, started again walking. The storm was always over there but strangely the little girl was feeling less the cold and the stress, probably because her body started to get used to that weather. Few minutes were passed, when, again, Raya saw her master, now sat on a rock, with one of her weapon in one hands. Raya didn't feel happy as earlier but still she moved faster to reach that spot, hoping to meet for real her master. This time, Raya was surprised by a thunder, over the horizon, moving her head in that direction: once more, the shadow she believed to be her master vanished. Raya was getting upset of that game, still not fully convinced that it was an awful joke some spirit was making on her. Still thinking about that chance, she started again walking, exhaling loudly. In that moment she heard a voice, her master was speaking, even if she could not see him, while she was frenetically looking in all directions. "Do not trust her" the voice was saying, "You do not know really who she is" It was like a whispering, deep and gloomy.
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    Quindi alla fine hai resistito fino alla fine di Korra?? O hai messo tutti in compagnia "perché tanto meglio non possono essere" ??
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    ma anche quei due prima a cura dei due fratelli della tribù :asd:
    "compilation di scherzi a mia sorella"
    seguito, giustamente da
    "come menare mio fratello"
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    L'attesa non era fatta assolutamente per Meelo: al piccolo dominatore sembrava che gli altri compagni di viaggio avessero di meglio da fare che passare attraverso il portale e iniziare il loro giro nel Mondo degli Spiriti. Per sua fortuna, però, siccome lui era già dall'altro lato, aveva la possibilità di riempirsi gli occhi di quel paesaggio che aveva potuto immaginare solo grazie a Jinora, l'unica della famiglia che aveva avuto occasione di visitarlo, per non si sa bene quale importante questione insieme a Korra, solo qualche tempo prima. Le foglie brillavano, gli alberi pareva respirassero, e tutt'intorno una fauna di spiriti, piccoli come api o grandi come navi, si stagliava libera e interessata alla loro intrusione. Meelo si girava intorno, allungando il collo e lo sguardo provando a instaurare un rapporto di fiducia con qualche spiritello più curioso e coraggioso degli altri. Papà guarda che belli! Esclamò gioioso al padre, e parve quasi tuffarsi nel prato proprio davanti a loro. Mi insegni qualche tecnica per addomesticarne uno? aggiunse poi, con tono malizioso, sperando che anche suo zio e sua sorella Jinora potessero sentirlo e soddisfare la sua richiesta.

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    Il banchetto si era finalmente concluso. Dopo gli ultimi convenevoli tutti avevano lasciato la sala, rimanevano solo gli inservienti per portar via quanto non era stato mangiato e le stoviglie, chi invece si occupava di rassettare le pelli e sbarazzarsi di quanto non poteva essere conservato. Pakku sorseggiava il suo bicchiere pensieroso, la persona che aspettava aveva mancato il suo appuntamento, e si chiedeva cosa poteva mai essergli successo.
    Aveva da poco lasciato la grande sala, quando l'attenzione di Pakku fu richiamata da un individuo incappucciato appena fuori la porta di servizio, che non aveva riconosciuto subito. I due si scambiarono poche parole e sul volto del maestro si stampò un sorriso di soddisfazione: finalmente aveva i resoconti commerciali sugli scambi con il regno della Terra, molto più vicino e desideroso di intrattenere rapporti di reciproco scambio con la tribù del Nord, visto che quella del Sud aveva ben poco da offrire. Con questi abbiamo una carta importante da giocare con i cari fratelli del Sud..vedremo fino a che punto vogliono trovare una linea comune Si disse, posando sotto i pesanti abiti i documenti che aveva ricevuto poco prima. Mentre si avviava alla sua dimora, proprio fuori dal palazzo, guardò la luna, così luminosa nel cielo.

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    YEAR 22, MONTH 3, DAY 6, POST 16time: ???

    • dialogues: #C3C300
    • age: 12
    • exp: 1220(15r50x2)
    • gold: 10 RdT DEPOSITATO: 990 RdT conto
    • wears: pantaloni larghi alle ginocchia di colore giallo chiaro, maglia a mezze maniche giallo canarino, sandali in cuoio
    • stats:
    EV: 600, ABILITA': nessuna, ARMATURA: nessuna, ARMI: nessuna
    Atk: 550 Def: 550 Vel: 300

    Litterally? I am not following you, right now: I guess you own me some explanations. Few minutes earlier you didn't want to go in that direction...and now, that direction is the only chance I have to survive? Raya herself was surprised saying those words, so detached from her feelings, and full of curiosity about how Zuri's mind worked. I know for sure that you, as a spirit, have no intention to harm me, because spirits do not take care of humans' life and all the rest. My teacher told me, during a lesson and I never ever listened to harmful situation made by spirits at the radio. Added Raya in a diplomatic tone. Also, you are the only figure I can talk with, and it seems for you really important to help me, even if I may have some objections on how you are taking care of me... She pity looked at Zuri again, adding an awkward little smile. Meanwhile all around the wind barely calmed down, the storm went slowly bigger and darker, Raya was feeling the cold, properly undressed for that weather, with all her body more and more injured for being so long time in the Spirit World. Do you really know what that storm means? Or ...are you just supposing about that storm is? I know that I am not supposed to get an answer from you... she sighed, once more disappointed about Zuri's behaviour, still willing to try to know more: how many chance she could have to talk and almost being a friend with a real spirit?
    Thinking about that, Raya tried to let go all the previous stress and anger: quite easy, if she focused about how badly she was feeling and the cold storm few kilometres away. Raya gave some looks around, to catch more details about the environment, always grey and in a deadly appearance and slowly moved her first step since she woke up; for her was a relief walk again. The river was still there, on her side. If only I have with me my saifs...I would feel more confidence with all that situation, and maybe with more chance to make it withour this spirit... Somehow, while walking, her mind focused on her training with her master, all the tecniques she learned and perhaps maybe would help her in that dark place: if there was something she learned about Zuri, it was that very strange human-shaped spirit brought bad situations.
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    La mattinata si avviava al suo sviluppo, e nel mentre svolgevo le dovute attività prima di mettermi seriamente a lavoro, la giornata era così bella, che quasi mi dispiaceva rinchiudermi nel mio studio a rispondere alle domande delle fanciulle del villaggio. Magari, potrei prendermi una giornata di riposo, domani!
    Mi affacciai svogliatamente alla finestra, visto che anche nella piazza antistante l'ingresso di casa mia era un crescendo di voci e di suoni, un affaccendarsi continuo, visto che era giorno di mercato. Piano piano, la fila fuori casa mia cominciò a formarsi, tutti splendidi e sognanti i volti di quelle fanciulle. Poi li notai, sul fondo della fila, due giovanotti: il mio incontro importante della giornata, gli spiriti mi avevano avvisato.

    Mi affacciai al portone, diedi cenno alla mia assistente Meng di far entrare la prima donzella. La giornata di lavoro era iniziata.
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    YEAR 22, MONTH 3, DAY 6, POST 15time: ???

    • dialogues: #C3C300
    • age: 12
    • exp: 1120(15r50)
    • gold: 10 RdT DEPOSITATO: 990 RdT conto
    • wears: pantaloni larghi alle ginocchia di colore giallo chiaro, maglia a mezze maniche giallo canarino, sandali in cuoio
    • stats:
    EV: 600, ABILITA': nessuna, ARMATURA: nessuna, ARMI: nessuna
    Atk: 550 Def: 550 Vel: 300

    "We need to leave this place. What is taking place in this site is unpredictable and possibly unsafe. You cannot dwell here any longer. Is it possible for you to stand?" Zuri's voice was muffled and softed for Raya, still waking up from her small unvolontary nap; she tried to sit, as Zuri requested, holding onto her arms, and Zuri itself...and then she realized: Zuri wasn't real, Zuri was untouchable. She freezed. She looked at the girl standing near her with terrified eyes, starting to shaking more and more...She was in the worst moment of her life: left alone nowhere, with no clue on how to get back to her cat, her mother, all her past life, with someone who claimed to be a real person, with a name, and a story, that indeed was a spirit. Raya freaked out. All the things she believed in were gone. With a strenght she didn't know she had, she jumped on her feet, screaming "You are a liar! You said all that stuff about being a real person and not a spirit...just to make fun of me! I truly trusted you...to be friend! You said you were a soldier of Fire Army. And now..." She could't finish her yelling because something bigger and louder came to her attention, distracting her from what was in her mind. It was a deep rumbling from the horizon moving fast all around jolting all the trees..and the snow in a blow. When did it start to snow? she asked herself, dropping for a moment her anger and fear.
    A single moment after, she loudly exhaled. Her mind was fictioning all the chances she may had, going alone in that creeper place, follow Zuri, run away in the opposite direction, fall asleep again...and who knows else. So, she decided to move, turning back her shoulders to Zuri. So, we move. Far away from that, is it right? She said laconically and still angry.
653 replies since 11/4/2012